The Truth About Jonathan Lawson Colonial Penn (Paid Actor) What You Need to Know - PinnacleQuote

The Truth About Jonathan Lawson Colonial Penn (Paid Actor) What You Need to Know

Above all, when considering final expense insurance, many seniors come across Jonathan Lawson Colonial Penn advertisements. In fact, while their advertisements may seem appealing, it’s important to understand the full picture.

This article will explore the reality behind their offerings, addressing common concerns and questions seniors have. We’ll provide transparent information to help you make an informed decision, ensuring you get the coverage you need.

Who is Jonathan Lawson?

Background and Experience

Jonathan Lawson is a well-known spokesperson for Colonial Penn. He appears in their TV ads, promoting final expense insurance policies aimed at seniors. But who is he, and can you trust him with your insurance needs?

Role at Colonial Penn

Jonathan Lawson is not just a face on TV; he’s a licensed insurance agent. However, it’s crucial to look beyond the persona and understand what Colonial Penn truly offers.

Testimonials and Reviews

While many testimonials praise Jonathan Lawson, it’s essential to read customer reviews from various sources. Some customers have raised concerns about misleading advertising and hidden fees.

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Customer Reviews
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Colonial penn is the worst life insurance. I have had nothing but problems…it is a hassle to even talk to associates, they never answer my questions, and they are not honest. I had to call 3 times a week for months to get a claim. I would not recommend this to my worst enemy.
Date of experience: July 15, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
I am so tired of watching the TV commercials because they lie and take advantage of older people. People need to pass the word along to friends and family about how terrible Colonial Penn really is. I certainly do!
Date of experience: July 08, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Ever heard of Chinese water torture? Each commercial is drip, drip, drip that drives one nuts! So, soon as I see one, I change the channel or mute it. But just know, I will NEVER EVER get Colonial Penn, NEVER! I will text this to the channels running your torturous commercial.
Date of experience: May 30, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
I contacted Colonial Penn about receiving life insurance. I am on SSI. Not SSDI or any other sort. I was told that Colonial Penn would not affect my SSI at all, and there was no problem with me signing up for insurance. I contacted SSI and found out that yes in fact, it does affect my SSI payments, as well as Medicaid. I had a representative come to my house to speak to me, and he assured me that there would be no repercussions for signing up for their insurance. This agent named Les boldly lied to my face, or was severely under educated. In fact, if you are on SSI all Colonial Penn offers is whole life insurance. Because whole life insurance can be drawn upon as a monetary value, any amount of insurance above $1500 in payout will not only affect your SSI, but may end up having it canceled altogether. Les assured me that was not the case. SSI informed me that in fact that was the case and that I would be penalized for having whole life insurance over the value of $1500. There is no need for this type of deception. With their ads on television and through the mail, they fail to reveal that fact to people. If you are on SSI, do not sign up with Colonial Penn. It could permanently eliminate your benefits.
Date of experience: June 17, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Stop lying to customers. I have repeatedly sent claim forms to receive a measly $1,000 death payout for my Mom who passed away 12/22/23. I keep getting letters saying they require more info. I have sent a copy of the will, claim form, death certificates, copy of insurance policy…but I keep getting letters telling me they will start the claim once they receive additional info. I’m beyond pissed because you only talk to customer reps who tell you they will make sure the “escalation team” know that I called, so they can move forward with the claim. I’ve been told this 3 times since February. I was faithful in sending in my Mom’s annual premium for this coverage for many years. This is the THANKS that she gets for being faithful and on time with her payments. DO BETTER COLONIAL PENN!!!
Date of experience: May 22, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Colonial is as close to a scam as you can get. Very, very misleading with advertising. You may pay only $9.95 a month for 20 years but only get $1100 of coverage. You pay more in premiums than you get back. They also signed me up without approval and tried to deduct a monthly payment, however, they got caught. No money for Colonial Penn. Read complaints from BBB. Poor little senior citizens are being scammed for sure.
Date of experience: April 01, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
This is ridiculous. I’m trying to turn in a claim on my best lifelong friend that passed away in October. So I mailed the claim form and a copy of her death certificate in April and haven’t gotten any response. So I call 2 times and talk to 2 different people that didn’t help at all. So because I didn’t know her zip code of what was on her death certificate I can’t get any answers. No matter I know her SS #, date of birth, mother and father name, siblings name and her sons. Oh and I’m the POA. Do you need her blood type to get some answers? Sorry I can’t tell you that.
Date of experience: May 09, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I recently wrote a negative review to Colonial Penn saying that they were not a business to trust. I was wrong they reached out to me and turns out they are very trustworthy. I apologize for my previous review, I said things that I shouldn’t have.
Date of experience: May 01, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
You’ll pay more in premiums than you’ll ever get back. The 3 P’s of life insurance is a take off from the 3 most important things on having a business are: location, location, and location…
Date of experience: May 08, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
$9.95 a month gets you $565 insurance. What a scam.
Date of experience: July 08, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
These are crappy policies that have been around for years. Colonial Penn is just one of many companies that sell them. They are deceptive and aimed at the elderly. During the first two years, they do not pay a death benefit. Instead, you get a return of premium. By year five, you have paid more than the death benefit into the plan. If you cancel, you lose everything. If you continue, you are being ripped off. The only way to make the policy work is to die between years 3 and 5.
Date of experience: August 18, 2023
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Rip Off, BUYER BEWARE PERIOD!!!! Company has major complaints against them based on all of their practices and the commercials don’t disclose the entire truth. Don’t do business with this company would be my advice and recommendation.
Date of experience: March 17, 2024
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
When I saw the TV ad, on the air like a million times lately, it took almost no intuition to see that this Jonathan dude, a paid actor, promoted COST, NOT BENEFIT. It is disingenuous to espouse one side of the story, when the other side stinks, and takes away from the overall appeal of the entire plan offering. EXAMPLE: I am 74 and plugged my info into their $9.95/mo calculator… insurance face popped up as $590 next for 2 years…. this, to me, is seriously presenting an imbalanced, almost fraudulent profile, in NOT disclosing ALL sides of the offer… Jonathan is a paid robot.
Date of experience: July 15, 2023
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
This company needs something better to do than rip off the elderly for their worthless “insurance”. If everyone would file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, we wouldn’t have to see their stupid TV commercials anymore! What they should do is explain to people what the difference is between “price you can afford” and “price that fits your budget”……BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ANY DIFFERENCE!!! Yet their thief “spokesman” Jonathan Lawson continues to work for them in an attempt to get you to give them your hard-earned money. Are the TV networks really that desperate, that they have to keep putting Colonial’s garbage on our TV?
Date of experience: September 06, 2022

Overview of Colonial Penn

History and Reputation

Colonial Penn has been in the insurance business for years, but their reputation is mixed. They are known for their $9.95 plan, which promises affordable coverage. However, the reality can be different.

Types of Policies

Colonial Penn offers various life insurance policies, including whole life insurance and guaranteed acceptance plans. It’s vital to understand the details of these plans before making a decision.

Customer Service and Financial Stability

While Colonial Penn claims to offer excellent customer service, some seniors report difficulties in getting clear answers and resolving issues. Financial stability is another concern, as you want to ensure the company can pay out claims when needed.

Understanding the $9.95 Plan

Detailed Explanation

The $9.95 plan sounds too good to be true, and in many cases, it is. This plan often provides minimal coverage, and the actual cost can be much higher depending on your age and health.

Coverage Limits and Eligibility

The coverage limits for the $9.95 plan are generally low, and not everyone is eligible. It’s crucial to read the fine print and understand what you’re really getting.

Comparison with Other Plans

Comparing the $9.95 plan with other options is essential. Other insurers might offer better coverage and more transparent terms. Furthermore, dont let the The “Three P’s”, PRICE, PRICE, PRICE…… Fool You!!

This is what you get with the Jonathan Lawson Colonial Penn policy.

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Addressing Common Concerns

Trustworthiness of Jonathan Lawson and Colonial Penn

Many seniors wonder if Jonathan Lawson and Colonial Penn can be trusted. While Lawson is a licensed agent, the company has faced criticism for misleading advertisements.

Hidden Fees and Costs

One of the biggest concerns is hidden fees. Colonial Penn’s policies can have various costs that aren’t immediately apparent. Transparency is key when choosing an insurance policy.

Guaranteed Acceptance Terms

Guaranteed acceptance sounds appealing, but it often comes with restrictions and higher premiums. Be sure to understand the conditions and what exclusions might apply.

Options for Pre-existing Health Conditions

Colonial Penn does offer options for seniors with pre-existing conditions, but these plans can be more expensive. Exploring alternatives may provide better coverage at a lower cost.

Contact Information and Customer Service

Colonial Penn’s customer service has received mixed reviews. Knowing how to get in touch with them and what to expect can help you navigate any issues that arise.

Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company’s customer service at (800) 523-9100

Premiums and Coverage Changes with Age

As you age, your premiums may increase, and your coverage might change. It’s important to know how these changes will affect your policy.

Custom HTML

Colonial Penn 995 Plan Rate Chart

AGE 1 MALE UNIT ($9.95) 1 FEMALE UNIT ($9.95)
50 $1,669 $2,000
51 $1,620 $1,942
52 $1,565 $1,890
53 $1,515 $1,845
54 $1,460 $1,802
55 $1,420 $1,761
56 $1,370 $1,719
57 $1,313 $1,669
58 $1,258 $1,620
59 $1,200 $1,565
60 $1,167 $1,515
61 $1,112 $1,460
62 $1,057 $1,420
63 $1,000 $1,370
64 $949 $1,313
65 $896 $1,258
66 $846 $1,200
67 $802 $1,167
68 $762 $1,112
69 $724 $1,057
70 $689 $1,000
71 $657 $949
72 $627 $896
73 $608 $846
74 $578 $802
75 $549 $762
76 $521 $724
77 $493 $689
78 $468 $657
79 $441 $627
80 $426 $608
81 $424 $578
82 $423 $549
83 $421 $521
84 $420 $493
85 $418 $468

Customization of Policies

While Colonial Penn offers some customization, other insurers might provide more flexibility. Understanding your needs and how different policies can meet them is crucial.

Benefits of Choosing Colonial Penn

Colonial Penn does offer benefits like affordable premiums for some seniors, but these benefits need to be weighed against potential drawbacks.

Claims Process and Payouts

The claims process should be straightforward, but some customers report delays and difficulties. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare.

Additional Benefits or Riders

Colonial Penn offers riders and additional benefits, but these can come at an extra cost. Evaluating if they are worth it for your situation is essential.

Testimonials from Other Seniors

Hearing from other seniors can provide insight into what you might expect. Look for reviews and testimonials from trustworthy sources.

Application Process

Understanding the application process can make it smoother. Colonial Penn’s process is relatively simple, but be sure to have all necessary documents ready.

Cancellation Policies

Knowing how to cancel your policy and any associated penalties is crucial. Be sure to understand these terms before committing.

You can call Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company’s customer service at (800) 523-9100 for assistance. Customer support is available Monday through Friday, 8 AM–8 PM ET.

Comparisons with Other Life Insurance Providers

Pros and Cons

Every insurance provider has pros and cons. Comparing Colonial Penn with other companies can help you find the best fit for your needs.

Customer Complaints and Resolutions

Customer complaints can highlight potential issues. It’s important to see how Colonial Penn handles these complaints and if resolutions are satisfactory.

Benefits of Choosing Colonial Penn

While Colonial Penn offers benefits, be sure to consider all aspects before deciding.

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Is Jonathan Lawson a trustworthy representative for Colonial Penn?

Jonathan Lawson is a licensed insurance agent, but it’s essential to look beyond his persona and understand Colonial Penn’s offerings.

What is the $9.95 plan from Colonial Penn?

The $9.95 plan often provides minimal coverage and can have higher costs depending on your age and health.

Are there hidden fees with Colonial Penn’s insurance policies?

Yes, some customers have reported hidden fees. It’s important to read the fine print and understand all potential costs.

How does Colonial Penn handle pre-existing conditions?

Colonial Penn offers options for seniors with pre-existing conditions, but these can be more expensive.

What should I know about Colonial Penn’s customer service?

Customer service reviews are mixed. Knowing how to contact them and what to expect can help.

How do premiums and coverage change as I age?

Premiums may increase, and coverage might change. Understanding these changes is crucial.


Choosing the right life insurance policy is a significant decision, especially for seniors. While Jonathan Lawson and Colonial Penn offer attractive options, it’s vital to understand the full picture. Be sure to compare policies, read reviews, and ask questions to ensure you get the best coverage for your needs.

By addressing these concerns and providing transparent information, we aim to help you make an informed decision about life insurance with Jonathan Lawson and Colonial Penn.

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