2024 Guide On How To Buy Life Insurance For Veterans - PinnacleQuote

2024 Guide On How To Buy Life Insurance For Veterans

Life insurance for veterans, otherwise known as veterans life insurance, is coverage that our veterans get to protect their families after they have served.

Senior consumers are often looking for life insurance and they should know that there is a program called the Veterans Affairs Life Insurance Program.

This program has helped many veterans who have served our country. The VA offers two types of insurance, term and whole-life policies.

Term policies will cover you only for as long as you pay your premiums, but whole-life policies are more expensive because they provide coverage for your entire life.

The VA also offers joint life insurance to spouses of veterans who died while on active duty or from service-connected disabilities such as PTSD or cancer caused by exposure to Agent Orange during military service anywhere in the world (not just in Vietnam).

This is important information if you’re a senior consumer looking for some peace of mind!

Military Life Insurance For Veterans

I have always had an admiration for the military that protects this country. My grandfather, my father, and my brother served.

However, because of my Asthma, I was not allowed to enlist. I felt like I let down the country I was so proud of. So since the early ’90s, I have always gone out of my way to make sure I was there for my brothers and sisters serving. 

Whether it is anonymously picking up the dinner check, donating to the Gary Sinise Foundation, or participating in the Wounded Warriors project I feel it’s the least I can do.

Being an independent agent gives me the opportunity to assist our servicemen to obtain Military Life Insurance and to help protect Retired Veterans. 

Life insurance for retired military personnel is very important.

Unfortunately, veterans group life insurance rates are much higher than the best rates available.

So this is why I make sure that whether you are active duty or retired veteran, I will make sure you get the best rate available to you, our HEROES!

If you are a veteran or a spouse that wonders, “do military spouses have life insurance?”, then this article will shed some light on the topic.

First and Foremost…

We are a family-owned business. We are big supporters of our Military and our Veterans.  Not only from PinnacleQuote Life Insurance Specialists but from our family to you and yours.

So it is extremely important to get the best life insurance for military veterans and their families!

We thank you for your service and for the sacrifice you face daily!

Life Insurance for Veterans

Frequently Asked Questions

Can veterans get free life insurance?
Totally disabled veterans are “Eligible” for free coverage and also have the choice to purchase additional life insurance.

Do retired veterans have life insurance?
Veterans usually have VGLI (Veterans Group Life Insurance), however getting a privately owned policy is cheaper and can be locked in longer.

Do veterans get a free funeral?
No, however a veterans plot is usually taken care of at a national cemetery. Also, the VA will pay up to $2,000 toward burial expenses prior to September 11, 2001.

How long do veterans benefits last?
10 years from the date of the veterans discharge.

Low-Cost Life Insurance For Veterans

Above all, our veterans deserve to have low-cost life insurance to protect their families. Here at PinnacleQuote, we have carriers that are very lenient to veterans with health impairments.

For instance, term life insurance for senior veterans is an excellent option to keep it affordable and to have enough to properly protect your loved ones.

Unlike, USAA where rates go up every five years, term policies are the best life insurance for veterans because rates will be level and the death benefit guaranteed for the entire term.

These are much better than VA life insurance rates.

Although, the biggest question that we get is, “do veterans get free life insurance?”, the answer is no. However, we do provide an array of low-cost options with A+ Rated carriers.

Life Insurance For Elderly Veterans

Getting life-ins for veterans at any age will in most cases come down to age and health. In addition, it will be determined by injury or disability. In fact, if it was due to a service-connected disability then TSGLI will be the best available.

This will have no bearing on which branch of service or if you were part-time SGLI. If you were a serviceman and are transitioning from SGLI to VGLI then you are going to want to price out coverage on the civilian market.

When you are a senior or elderly veteran, then you will want to have your coverage sooner than later.

Servicemen Group Life Insurance SGLI

What You Need to Know

Life Insurance For Military Personnel and Veterans

What are our options?  While still in the military, military personnel have special life insurance options because of their high level of risk. 

In fact, it is the best life insurance for military personnel, known as Servicemembers Group Life Insurance SGLI.

SGLI was established in 1965 and is available to the current date.  

SGLI coverage was created to provide our servicemen and women with low-cost term insurance along with their military benefits.

The government agrees to pay the claim costs that result from hazards of service. 

When a veteran has separated from the military, there are several more options for low-cost life insurance for veterans. We understand that the time period between active duty and civilian life could be an adjustment.

Planning Servicemembers Group Life Insurance Veterans

Life insurance planning whether you are inquiring about a 20-year term life policy, or a whole life policy, we want to help you with your goals.

As our goal is to make sure we offer the best life insurance for active-duty military and retired military. 

Veterans have the option to convert their coverage from SGLI to Veterans Group Life Insurance, (VGLI). But they can’t have the VGLI conversion to whole life unless it’s a commercial policy.

Keep in mind, if you can find coverage from a regular life insurance policy, you’ll be better off. This is because VGLI is quite costly. 

I get questions all the time, “do VGLI rates increase as you get older”, YES they do!

*We will discuss this later in our article.

You can get the same coverage for a fraction of the price from a traditional term life insurance policy. With the help and guidance of your agent, life insurance for veterans can be achieved.

As we continue we will discuss many options including cheap affordable life insurance. 

Death Gratuity

It is a program for military members that the military provides a tax-free payment of a maximum of $100,000 to survivors that qualify. These are members of the armed forces who died on active duty or while in the reserves.

The death gratuity is the same regardless of the cause of death. So a widowed military spouse can have this money to rebuild or to pay for college. 

The Death Gratuity is also available if an eligible member or former member dies within 120 days of release or discharge. This includes discharge from active duty.

The Secretary of Veterans Affairs will determine the death resulting from disease or injury. 

SGLI vs USAA Life Insurance

Overall SGLI is coverage that active servicemen can get in $50,000 increments with a maximum of $400,000. When members are discharged they can receive free coverage up to 120 days. This is called separation.

If disabled, you can have up to 2 years of free coverage from separation.

Here is the comparison on rates between SGLI and USAA.


Coverage AmountMonthly Premium RateTSGLI PremiumTotal Monthly Premium Deduction


Coverage AmountMonthly Premium RateTSGLI PremiumTotal Monthly Premium Deduction

Winner: SGLI

Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI)

Traumatic Injury Protection

Above all, having the option to have traumatic injury protection or TSGLI for service members and veterans is great to assist in their recovery from these traumatic injuries.

In fact, if an injury occurs when under full-time SGLI, automatically you are covered by TSGLI. This coverage applies to active duty, reservists, national guard, funeral honors duty, and muster duty as well. 

Eligibility to receive payment of TSGLI, the following requirements must be met:

  • Insured By SGLI when the injury took place
  • Injuries must cause a loss that is covered under SGLI
  • Must have suffered the injury during active duty
  • Must suffer a scheduled loss within 730 days of the traumatic injury
  • Must survive for a period, not less than 7 days from the day the injury took place

TSGLI coverage for all SGLI participants is covered for traumatic injuries of up to $100,000. It is important to realize that TSGLI is not disability military pay, basic pay, or compensation.

In fact, it has no effect on military benefits from the VA or DOD. 

Do VGLI Rates Increase with Age?

YES!!! VGLI life insurance rates increase! Here is how… 

Veterans’ Group Life Insurance was established in 1974 and is still available to the current date.

VGLI is provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs by the Prudential Insurance Company.  Its sole purpose is to replace SGLI.

Is VGLI worth it? The veteran must enroll in VGLI within 240 days of discharge.  No medical exam is required.  The premiums for VGLI is based on the veteran’s age.

VGLI can be converted to a commercial policy at any given time. Life insurance for veterans who are not covered by VGLI has other options that we will discuss further.

An important fact to Know about VGLI

  • VGLI premiums increase every 5 years as you age.

Example…  A $400,000 policy at age 40 is a premium of $68.00.  At age 45, that premium is $88.00  At age 50, that premium is now $144.00.

 If you continue to keep that same policy up to and over age 70

That same policy is now $920.00 a month.

That is an incredible amount of money to be paying every month!!!

It is best you consider shopping around prior to discharge of service. Compare prices. Speak to an independent agent at PinnacleQuote. We can ship you multiple carriers at once.

Term Life Insurance For Disabled Veterans

Are you looking for the best life insurance for disabled veterans? There is a Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI).

S-DVI provides life insurance coverage to veterans to whom VA has granted service connection for a new disability within the last two years.

In fact, totally disabled veterans are eligible for free coverage and have the opportunity to purchase additional insurance. So it is smart to apply for S-DVI if you are eligible.

There are four criteria to meet in order to be eligible for  S-DVI:

  1. Released from active duty on or after April 25, 1951.  Other than dishonorable.
  2. Service-related disability
  3. Good health other than the service-related disability
  4. To point out, you must apply within a 2-year period from the date the VA grants the service-related disability

VGLI Rates For Disabled Vets

VGLI rates for disabled vets will be the same if you are converting your SGLI over. However, if you have TSGLI, you will have other benefits available to you.

Veterans Group Life Insurance Company Phone Number

If you need to speak to a VGLI representative or have specific questions,

Monday through Friday, between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Life Insurance Policies For Veterans

What kind of policies are available? You can get affordable life insurance for veterans today!

Term vs Whole Life Insurance

Which veteran’s life insurance company to choose? When it comes to life insurance for veterans, there is no shortage of choices.

The two main kinds of life insurance: are term and permanent. Term life insurance provides death benefit coverage for a predetermined amount of time.

The term is usually between 10 to 30 years in length. Term life insurance for veterans will be more affordable than permanent life insurance policies.

These policies expire after the term is up.  You can renew or convert. Ask your agent to advise you. 

To point out, there are some reasons why you might prefer a permanent life insurance policy.

For one, this insurance policy for veterans, as you may have deduced from the name, permanent life insurance offers permanent protection. This means you won’t run the risk of outliving the duration of your policy.

Also, unlike term life insurance, permanent life insurance policies have a cash value build-up component. This allows cash to accumulate on a tax-deferred basis.

There are so many types of specific life insurance policies. There are life insurance policies for obese individuals, for example.

To sum up, you can check out all of the options from the top life insurance companies, such as Banner Life

Veterans Life Insurance Rates

You will want enough coverage to help provide for your family’s needs in the event of your death.

A general rule of thumb is to multiply your income by 10 and purchase that amount.

This is because, in the event of your death, you want to provide your family with enough to cover funeral expenses, mortgage, debt, college for your children, and even cover short-term debt.

It is also very important to shop for life insurance for veterans’ spouses!

In fact, investing in the right policy after you are discharged from the military can be overwhelming. Working with an independent life insurance agent can help you through the process.

There are a few carriers that cater to the veteran that is straight out of the service. However, in comparison to the best carriers, they aren’t in the same league as far as the time you need for protection.   

In the first place, when retiring from the military it is important to get the most affordable coverage. In general, you want to make sure your family is covered for the next couple of decades.

Here are two carriers I recommend staying away from unless, of course, you want to spend more money!

  1. USAA will replace your SGLI with terms of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years. Replacement is not a guarantee if you have a health issue like PTSD or any other disability they will likely not take you. Furthermore, you need to be a member of USAA. 
  2. AAFMAA will allow you to get up to $800,000 in coverage. The products they offer are a term that has options. These will all depend on your age and how long you need them.  Getting life insurance for veterans over 50 will be better going to an independent agent as these AAFMAA term policies are a 5-year renewable. That means the prices will increase every 5 years. Most of our veteran clients that call me are usually just turned 55 and their rates went up.

AAFMAA vs USAA (Rates)

Although AAFMAA allows up to $800,000 in coverage, we will do a $400,000 comparison versus USAA on a 20yr term for a 50yr old male.

Here is the rate comparison for AAFMAA vs USAA.


Coverage AmountMonthly Premium RateTSGLI PremiumTotal Monthly Premium Deduction


Coverage AmountMonthly Premium RateTSGLI PremiumTotal Monthly Premium Deduction

USAA Life Insurance for Veterans

USAA veterans life insurance is for active, retired, and honorably separated officers also enlisted personnel of the United States Military. 

Overall, USAA term life insurance rates are not competitive compared to top life insurance carriers nationwide.

VGLI vs USAA rates Comparison for 400k

VGLI (30yr old Male)

Amount of InsuranceAge 30Age 35Age 40Age 45Age 50Age 55Age 60

USAA (30yr old Male)

30(Male)$400,00030 Years106.15

Here are the best rates available for a 30yr old male:

TermAmount of insuranceMonthly Rates
30 years$400,00026.99

USAA Term Life Insurance Lawsuit

Erin Peterson USAA

Recently USAA is under scrutiny. A Colorado Springs Veteran is suing USAA for denying her husband’s $1 million dollar life insurance policy. She is in the process of appealing due to the judge dismissing her case. 

Erin Peterson and her husband Ted Bobkowski both served in our U.S. Air Force.  First and foremost, We thank them both for their service.

Erin’s husband died unexpectedly at age 52.  He did the right thing years prior to make sure his family was taken care of in the event of his death. He passed away from an aortic aneurysm about two years ago. 

You don’t hear of cases like this often, very rare. Insurance adjusters are trained to look for reasons to deny either coverage or payout.

Erin’s attorney thinks this is what happened in this case. When Ted applied for life insurance he answered “no” to one of the questions.  

This question was, have you ever consulted a healthcare provider for asthma, pneumonia, or emphysema?  

They will most likely claim that the answer should have been “yes.”  Ted passed away from an aortic aneurysm. Some experts will suggest that they could be linked together. 

USAA Life Insurance Reviews

I personally looked up the reviews under Consumer Affairs and the BBB. They are not BBB Accredited but the BBB gave them an A+ rating.

They are an average of 80 reviews and complaints altogether. Some positive feedback and some negative.

Just over 1500 customer complaints in the last year were closed.  Out of all of those complaints, 485 were in the last 12 months.  

You will find this with most companies. Always best no matter which company you use, always read about the company.

Ask tons of questions and if in any doubt, contact us at PinnacleQuote, we will help isolate the best Top A+ rated carriers!

Life Insurance For Veterans No Medical Exam


  • Hero Life/Assurity
  • Prosperity Family Freedom Term
  • American Amicable Term Made Simple

​​We will discuss Non -Medical policies in more detail later in this article.

Simplified Issue:

  • Trinity/Family Benefit Life
  • American Amicable
  • Liberty Bankers Life

Guaranteed Issue:

  • Gerber
  • Great Western

How Much Is Life Insurance For Veterans

Of Course, there are numerous factors that determine life insurance rates for veterans.

This includes:

  • your age
  • your health condition
  • the kind of policy
  • the life insurance company

Hobbies, weight, family history, mental health, whether or not you smoke, and your marital status are other things that can impact your life insurance rates.

If you have any serious health conditions, such as diabetes, you’ll likely be considered a high-risk applicant by life insurance companies.

This means companies will have to charge you more for life insurance coverage.

For most life insurance policies, you’ll be required to undergo a medical exam as part of the application process.

If you can manage to show up to the exam in good health, you can expect low rates on your life insurance.

No Medical Exam is an option…

However, veterans with adverse health conditions may find difficulty getting approval for life insurance. If this is the case,  then you should consider applying for a no-medical exam life insurance policy.


Since these kinds of policies do not require a medical exam, you won’t be denied acceptance due to your health issues.

In General, the coverage for a no-medical-exam life insurance policy begins almost immediately.

Moreover, these policies can be either term or permanent, depending on what you prefer.

Of course, since you are not taking a medical exam, life insurance companies will assume that you are a high-risk individual, which means the policy can be quite expensive.

Can PTSD Affect Buying Life Insurance

Above all, purchasing Life Insurance For Veterans with PTSD is very achievable.

So don’t be discouraged. The National Center for PTSD  conducted a study and about 60% of men and 50% of women will experience trauma during their lives, with that said,  7-8% of the population will develop PTSD at some point.

This is due to a traumatic event in their lives. How does PTSD affect your daily life: let’s discuss…

Some of these include:

  • Military Experiences/Combat/Terrorist attack
  • Physical assault
  • Natural disaster
  • Death or injury of a loved one
  • Traumatic Injury

Life insurance for veterans diagnosed with PTSD is NOT an automatic decline for life insurance. 

For this reason, it is important to work with an independent life insurance agent who is knowledgeable and can guide you through the process.

The important thing is, to be honest with your agent about your medical history.

Veterans Life Insurance With PTSD

If you are living a high-functioning lifestyle with no interference with work, social activities, and family, then PTSD is less likely to be debilitating in the future and you will have a more favorable underwriting experience.

However, if you have a history of PTSD, the insurance company will review your medical and family history and will question how well you are functioning in your home, workplace, etc.

In general, the following is unfavorable to underwriters:

  • Alcohol/drug abuse
  • Poor health
  • A family history of mental imbalance
  • Behavior changes/violence
  • History of suicide attempts

In the first place, if you have less than favorable factors, it does not mean you will not be able to purchase life insurance.  

Life insurance companies have different levels of risk classes.  In addition, keep in mind,  you may have to pay a higher premium.

 Furthermore, your independent life insurance agent will shop you multiple carriers and guide you through the entire process.

If you or a loved one is struggling, or if you have that question, how to help my father with PTSD?

Or struggling with depression, or substance abuse or just need to talk you can call the PTSD hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Post 9/11 GI BILL

What is the new Post 911, GI Bill?  Great question!!! This is training benefits provided to veterans along with tuition benefits.

This GI bill provides up to three years of tuition benefits.  In addition, can be used by the veteran for as long as 15 years after they have qualified. 

How is eligibility determined? If you have served at least 90 days of active duty after September 10, 2001. Unfortunately, Active Guard Reserve does not qualify for The Post 9/11 GI Bill.  

When can you transfer your GI Bill?  

Well, this is the fantastic thing about this bill! If a service member does not utilize all their benefits or unused Post GI Bill funds, they can transfer them to their spouse or children.

You must make sure you are eligible for this.  And if you are, you are allowed to transfer up to 36 months’ worth!

If your spouse and children are both in school, look into splitting the benefit between the two of them. 

Does the GI Bill Expire?  

Usually, after 10 years after you have separated from the military. Call the VA for more information: (888) 442-4551. 

Life Insurance For Veteran Spouses

For SGLI spouses or VGLI spouses and family members of service, members may be eligible for many types of VA benefits.  

Service members who have died or have been seriously injured in the line of duty. In particular, the benefits that they may offer are:

  • VA- home loans
  • to advance in a career
  • get an education
  • supplementary income

Family Servicemembers Group Life Insurance SGLI

FSGLI is a component of the SGLI program. It provides coverage for spouses and children of the serviceman. Group life insurance FSGLI premiums are based on the spouse’s age and amount of coverage. 

FSGLI coverage provided up to a maximum of $100,000 of insurance coverage for spouses and $10,000 for dependent children. 

FSGLI is available in increments of $10,000. You pay the premiums for your spouse’s coverage which increases as your spouse ages. 

Life Insurance For Veterans Over 60

Truly, life insurance for retired veterans is achievable. Again, we recommend you speak with your independent agent because life insurance for seniors of 60 starts to become pricey.

To emphasize, they will guide you through the entire process. Shopping you multiple carriers at one time.

This way you can compare and choose the best-priced carrier

Life Insurance For Older Veterans

Do you get more social security if you are a veteran?

As a veteran and you apply for benefits, Social Security will check your records. And when you have qualifying military service, you will get additional credits/wages for your service. 

Keep in mind, these credits will be for your lifetime earning record, not in your monthly check.

VA U.S. Department Of Veteran Affairs


What does the Veterans Affairs VA do?

Not only financial benefits and services but provide other forms of assistance to veterans. In addition to their surviving spouse, and children as well.

Services include clinics community living centers, disability compensation, and medical centers as well.

The National Cemetery Administration 

The National Cemetery Administration honors our Nation’s Veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Jacksonville National Cemetery phone number is (904) 766-5222, They are located at 4083 Lannie Rd,. Jacksonville, Florida 32218. 

If you need any assistance and would like to find a VA location closest to you, call (844) 698-2311.

Veterans With AGENT ORANGE

Was Agent Orange deadly? 

Agent Orange was a herbicide.  This was used by the U.S. Military during the Vietnam War.  

They used this to cease forest cover and crops.  The program code name was Operation Ranch Hand.

They sprayed over 20 million gallons of herbicides over Vietnam.  In addition, Cambodia and Laos.  Notably, the period of time was from 1961-1971.  

To explain, this Agent Orange had a chemical in it that was deadly.  The chemical is dioxin.

Dioxin caused awful and serious health problems in Vietnam and for their people In addition to our U.S. servicemen and servicewomen and their families.  

For Example:

  • Cancer
  • Birth defects
  • Psychological problems
  • Neurological problems

Short-term issues include:

  • Skin darkening
  • Severe acne/skin disease known as Chloracne.
  • Dioxin is linked to type 2 diabetes
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Muscular dysfunction
  • Heart disease
  • Liver issues

In fact, in 1979 there was a class-action suit filed on behalf of over 2 million veterans who were exposed to this Agent Orange.  The lawsuit took 5 years before it settled.  

There were over 6 chemical companies that produced this chemical. Seven of them agreed to pay the veterans who served during the Vietnam War.  

In fact, the compensation was $180 million to the veterans and to their next of kin.

The debate over Agent Orange continued on until or about June 2011.

As a result, in 1991, President George H.W. Bush signed a law.  The Agent Orange Act.  

In fact, this law said that some of the diseases that Agent Orange is responsible for such as Non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma, sarcomas, and chloracne be treated as wartime service.

We support our veterans!

What is a 22 day?

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 22 Veterans commit suicide daily.  That is 22 a day, who lose their battle to post-traumatic stress. To emphasize, that means every 65 minutes, 1 Veteran takes his own life. The breakdown by the branch is overwhelming to hear.

22 kill life insurance for veterans

Rates for active duty per 100.000:

  • Army – 23
  • Marine Corps. – 23.1
  • Air Force – 14.4
  • Navy – 13.4

Mission 22 programs were created to fund veterans to get the treatment they need.  From Substance Abuse, Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, and other issues that they face daily.

Boulder Crest is a 501(c)(3) non-profit retreat.  They help provide and improve the physical, emotional, and economic well-being of our Military Veterans.

Boulder Crest is located in Virginia and in Arizona. Their programs are provided to individuals, couples, families, and to Gold Star Families.

No matter what military service, from National Guard to Navy to Marines, etc. Boulder Crest gives you and your family peace of mind.

Boulder Crest Mission

Who is Boulder Crest? What do they do?

To provide retreats for combat veterans and their families for free.  Their goal is to solve the mental health crisis and heal our military.  

They want our military to live a fulfilling, peaceful life at home with their families.

And so do we!  If you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran and you are interested in more information, visit Boulder Crest’s website:  CLICK HERE.

22 Pushup Challenge

Just like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, we have the 22 Push-up Challenge.

This challenge was created by a non-profit called 22 Kill, back in 2013.  

The Marine Veteran who created 22 Kill is Andrew K. Nguyen.  He was the founder of several veteran organizations.

The original 22 Push-up Challenge was created in 2011 through Andrew. and the organization named Honor Courage Commitment.  Has evolved ever since and become much more.

With this in mind, their goal ~ is to inspire everyone to do 22 million push-ups to raise awareness.

This is to show support for our active duty and our veterans. 

To explain, you do 22 push-ups for 22 days in a row. Make the challenge go viral via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.  

You challenge your friends and family to do the same. Include a hashtag such as this ~ #22PushupChallenge.  In fact, some celebrities who have joined the challenge include:

  • Dwayne Johnson ~ The Rock
  • Kevin Hart
  • J.J. Watt
  • Chris Pratt

Final Thoughts on Life Insurance For Veterans

Ultimately, if you’re a veteran seeking life insurance,  again, we would recommend hiring an independent insurance agent to assist you. 

In fact, they’ll connect you with the best life insurance companies, where you’ll receive top-notch coverage. Buying life insurance and keeping your personal finance intact is our specialty. 

Life Insurance for Veterans

Lastly, it helps to have an expert on your side when you are applying for life insurance. Getting life insurance can be a daunting task, especially for older people or people with adverse medical conditions.

However, there is no denying how important it is to get life insurance protection. As a matter of fact, without it, your family is left to pay your debts and final expenses.

As well as,  a life insurance policy can also replace your income for your family if you were to pass away.  

Of course, getting a policy is the best way to ensure that your family would be financially secure in the event of your death.

Veterans United Home Loans

A little note from Lisamarie ~ Co-Writer of this article

PinnacleQuote supports our military.  With that said, we will always offer any help or resources as we possibly can.

Returning home from service may sometimes be overwhelming. Any tips or support we can give, we do out of love.

My oldest son is a veteran. He served in the U.S. Navy. So as a mom of a military man and a woman who supports all our military and their families, I Thank YOU! I am here for YOU!

If you have any questions besides VA life insurance or Veterans mortgage life insurance if we can help you in any way, shape, or form. Don’t hesitate to call ~ (855) 380-3300.  

My direct email is Li*******@Pi***********.com .  

Located in Columbia, Missouri, Veterans United Home Loans is a mortgage lender that has 28 offices nationwide. The VA home loans were started in 1944.  

The U.S. Government created this to help service members to purchase homes after returning home from service. They may be able to guide you with specially adapted housing as well.

VA home loans differ from Conventional home loans as they offer the following: 

  • 0% down
  • No Private Mortgage Insurance required
  • Interest rates are competitive
  • Qualifying is simplistic

For more information regarding VA home eligibility: Call 1-800-884-5560.

Free Vacations For Disabled Veterans And Their Families

Operation We Are Here ~ who are they?

This is fantastic!  Operation We Are Here is for families impacted by PTSD & TBI.  

In addition to Wounded Warriors, disabled Veterans and this includes ALL their families!

Operation We Are Here offers free vacations, retreats, and many opportunities. Some attractions include:

  • Balboa Park (San Diego)
  • Busch Gardens
  • Sea World
  • Aquatica
  • Adventure Island
  • Callaway Gardens (Georgia)
  • George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
  • San Diego Zoo
  • Shedd Aquarium
  • World of Coca-Cola (Atlanta, Georgia)

We are so excited about this, and there are so many more opportunities that Operation We Are Here offers.

Such as Tents for Troops, Take a soldier fishing, Thank You Deployments (Operation Supply Drop), and so much more!  Please CLICK HERE for more info!

The Gary Sinise Foundation

Gary Sinise the actor has been a great supporter of our military and our veterans! He has been an advocate of our military for over 40 years! 

“While we can never do enough to show our gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little more.”

-Gary Sinise

Many people wonder was Gary Sinise in the service? NO, he wasn’t, however, he was awarded the 2,606th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

This was due to his acting career especially playing Lieutenant Dan in the 1993 movie, Forrest Gump. What a great movie that was!

Although not a veteran himself. His deep passion to support all our service members and their families is next to none. 

Some of the tremendous ways The Gary Sinise Foundation has impacted our servicemembers include:

  • Specially adapted smart homes ~ Over 70 built so far and growing, 100% mortgage free!
  • Training grants provided for our first responders
  • Over 408 concerts performed worldwide
  • Emergency relief grants ~ provided for our firefighters, police, and EMT’s.

and the list goes on…

The Gary Sinise Foundation Address

Gary Sinise Foundation PO Box 368 Woodland Hills, CA 91365

If you choose to donate to the Gary Sinise Foundation, please do so by mail address above and reference CFC #27963.

Sierra Club Outdoors

Who is Military Outdoors?  An organization that puts together trips for veterans and their families.

This is to create an easy transition to home life with their families.

Re-connect  Moms and Dads with their young children after being away on deployment for so long. Foster mental and physical health to strengthen their mind, body, and souls. 

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Life insurance for veterans is a great idea if you want to make sure that your family will be taken care of in the event of an accident or death.

We know it can feel like life insurance is just another thing on top of everything else, but we’re here to help ease your worries and get you covered as quickly as possible.

If you are currently serving our country in some capacity (or have ever served), then don’t hesitate! Get yourself insured today with one quick phone call.

In summary, if you have any questions regarding policy loans, policies that build cash value, term life policies, types of life insurance, or even estate planning, or any general question,  please feel free to contact us at PinnacleQuote (855)380-3300.

PinnacleQuote supports our Troops, Veterans, and their families.

For more info on PTSD:  CLICK HERE. For more info on Suicide Prevention:  CLICK HERE

Veteran Resources: CLICK HERE for more info on HOMH ~ Help Our Military Heroes.  

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